Date(s) - 09/12/2015
9:00 am - 1:00 pm
The 14th annual Walk of Hope for ALS, a 3.5-mile walk around Lake Quannapowitt in Wakefield, MA to benefit The Angel Fund for ALS Research, will be held on Saturday, September 12th, 2015. The event begins with registration at 9 a.m. followed by the start of the walk at 11 a.m.
In addition to the walk around Lake Quannapowitt, the event includes the annual dove release for those who are living with ALS and those who have lost their courageous battle to the disease, children’s activities and refreshments for all walkers.
The event will also include an encore celebration of last year’s Ice Bucket Challenge in which more than 600 walkers participated. This year’s challenge will follow the walk at 1 p.m. Home Depot of Reading will once again donate the buckets for the Challenge. H20 to Go will be generously donating the water for the Challenge.
Donations to the Angel Fund can also be made online, or can be sent to The Angel Fund, 649 Main Street, Wakefield, MA 01880. All donations should be made payable to The Angel Fund. To assist its walkers, The Angel Fund has joined FirstGiving.com which enables them to create their own webpage to raise money online. Registered walkers can create their page at www.firstgiving.com/angelfund.
There are several levels of corporate sponsorship for the Walk of Hope for ALS. Several local businesses have already pledged their support as sponsors of the Walk, including Major Sponsors the Law Office of Nigro, Pettepit and Lucas, and The J Group benefiting ALS research. Other Sponsors include The Savings Bank and the Future of Dentistry.
Information about sponsorship opportunities can also be obtained on the website, www.theangelfund.org, or by calling 781-245-7070.