Date(s) - 11/16/2019
7:00 pm - 11:00 pm
Stepping Up to Cure ALS F.O.R. 4 ROB will be held on Saturday, November 16th at Brandy Petes in honor of Rob Mannal.
The Mannal Family and Friends are excited to invite you to an event focused on fun, friends and raising awareness of ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease).
On November 16th, we will be hosting a party at Brandy Pete’s in Boston. All proceeds from ticket sales and donations will be directed to The Angel Fund – an independent non-profit charity dedicated to the research of ALS.
Guest of Honor: Rob Mannal
Rob Mannal was diagnosed with ALS almost two years ago. With his positive attitude and support from family and friends, he’s doing a great job battling this terrible disease. Anyone who knows Rob knows how much he enjoys talking, trading barbs, and spending time with the people he loves! While ALS may have taken some of his physical abilities, it could never take away Rob’s tremendous sense of humor and incredible fighting spirit! Let’s join F.O.R (Friends of Rob) and celebrate life and making progress toward finding a cure for ALS!
Cost: $75 per person. You can purchase your tickets at the door.
If you are unable to attend the event and want to donate in honor of Rob, please click here.
Location: Brandy Pete’s,, 267 Franklin St, Boston MA
Time: 7:00 pm
Join us for Music, Laughter, Raffle, and Fun all aimed at Finding a cure 4 ALS!
We’ve had many friends who have been impacted by ALS over the years. We are motivated to help fund the research that will find a cure.
Thanks to: FlexPod; TCF Bank; Intel; and all our friends at Cisco and NetApp for making this night possible.