Help Find A Cure For ALS!

100 Innings

100 Innings

This year's 100 Innings event will be held on October 12th & 13th at Adams Field in Quincy, MA. There is a charge of $75 for each player and additional donations can be taken via the form below. Chief Umpire Walter Bentson invites you to help us raise funds for ALS research. The proceeds of this event will benefit The Angel Fund.

For complete details, please review the history click here.

*First Name:
*Last Name:
*Check all times you WILL play:
*Street Address:
*Zip Code:
Payment Information
*First Name:
*Last Name:
*Card Type:
*Card Number:
*Security Code(CCV):
*Expiration Date:

Angel Fund supporters make a difference in fighting ALS, and you can be one of them.